Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Unfairness

This was Thursday's weigh in.

I SHOULD be happy about that. Almost 4 lbs down in less than 2 weeks. Ahead of schedule!
And yet I'm just depressed and mad. Why is it so easy for other people to stay thin? I follow a few before/after weight loss blogs on Tumblr and while most of them are indeed motivating, some just frustrate me. How does someone lose 30 lbs in 3 months? I need a "mom" weight loss blog, with before and afters of women who have lost weight while juggling multiple kids and after school activities. Because I'm finding it super hard. I have NO time. I can't even get the laundry folded.

Sometimes I get an ego boost because someone's "after" is my "before". 

I hit my step goal twice this week. I'll be way ahead of my steps last week. And I've really cut back on the snacking. My two oldest kids both got injured playing basketball this past week. That meant I got to spend a lot of time hanging around in doctors offices.

We'll see what the scale says Monday. 

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